
Modern beauty, is to use fashion to life, classic beauty, is the words of wisdom, however, I use the classic beauty let greeting to force, I use the wisdom of the modern beauty to express concern, wish you off year, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.Think you feel beautiful, greeting you are beautiful and beautiful! Off year is coming, bless my friends honey, money more like ox hair, happiness more like waves, happiness more like a river!Off-year dust removal is very important, and go bad luck in the coming year. Refreshed after the New Year, the old man happy children make; Laugh finds peace in his home everything is wonderful, happy life together. Blessing messages sent to the first: blessing and ruixiang skies!Off-year danian, it is Chinese New Year. Early thanks to late, bye bye. Message long, blessing. Peace, lack of a disadvantage, joy in ankang, should be sent. December 23, I wish you a happy off-year, year after year!However, texts; All along, heart laugh; Health, peace to; Blessing to, goods; Good far, full warmth around; All, onstar according to; Troubles away, free and unfettered. I wish you a happy off-year, life now rising!Off-year, blessing, fortune, good luck to the New Year, happy every day is a king, god of wealth chasing you around, wife is obedient and well-behaved, family harmony happiness, wish you off-year lively and a wonderful New Year!Off-year to, good luck around, texting, blessing to: receive SMS in the house, looked up to see hei bao you; Receive SMS just out of the door, ensure you pick up the cornucopia; Receive SMS is busy, protect your wealth and good luck!Off-year to cut out red grilles, hang up the festive lanterns, labeled red couplets, sweep off one year, to celebrate the New Year wishes. May you prosper in the year, day time!However, the dragon lantern, she smiled; Onstar, good luck, happy happy! Off year on this day, blessing to you, wish you happy forever, happiness always, always in peace!Off-year to sweep the dust, sweep off everything. Off-year that busy people, protect health food on the table. Off-year to, busy shopping, prepare necessities heart smile. Off-year, blessing, good luck in the coming year a laundry list. Off year auspicious!现代美,是用时尚给力生活,古典美,是用语言表达智慧,小年到来之际,我用古典美让祝福给力,我用现代美表达关怀的智慧,祝你小年,美了,美了,美了。想一想你都觉得很美,问候下你是美上加美!小年快到了,祝福我亲耐的朋友们,钞票多的像牛毛,快乐多的像海浪,幸福多的像江涛!小年除尘很重要,扫去晦气来年好;神清气爽过新年,老人欢喜儿童闹;家庭和睦事事妙,美满生活齐欢笑。祝福短信先送到:福禄满堂瑞祥高照!小年大年,都是过年。早拜晚拜,都要拜拜。短信长信,祝福就行。平安如意,缺一不利,喜乐安康,都要送上。腊月廿三,祝你小年快乐,年复一年!小年到,短信叫;万事顺,心欢笑;健康来,平安到;福禄至,财笼罩;好远满,温情绕;全如愿,吉星照;烦恼消,乐逍遥。祝你小年快乐,生活节节高!小年到,福气到,新年发财好运到,天天开心是王道,财神追你到处跑,老婆听话又乖巧,家庭和睦乐逍遥,祝你小年热闹,新年美妙!小年到,好运绕,短信发,祝福到:收到短信在屋里,保你抬头能见喜;收到短信刚出门,保你捡到聚宝盆;收到短信正在忙,保你富贵又吉祥!小年到,剪出火红窗花,挂上喜庆灯笼,贴上大红对联,扫去一年烦恼,迎来新春的祝愿,愿你来年飞黄腾达,日子红红火火!小年到,龙灯闹,露微笑;吉星照,好运绕,乐逍遥!小年这一天,祝福送到你身边,愿你开心到永远,幸福总绵绵,一生永平安!小年到,扫尘忙,扫去烦恼一桩桩。小年到,祭灶忙,衣食无忧保安康。小年到,购物忙,准备年货心欢畅。小年到,祝福忙,来年好运一箩筐。小年吉祥!



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